by Joe Colosi The warmer seasons are fast upon us, and a chilled white wine in the sunlight is just the thing to make the most of the weather. Chardonnay fits the bill, especially with an accompanying cheese. As usual, Hunter and I sampled two bottles, one Chardonnay from California, the other from Burgundy, in
Month: April 2008
Cheese Plate of the Week April 16th, 2008
Ardrahan: Cow Milk, County Cork, Ireland-The history of Ardrahan cheese begins in 1925 with the establishment of the Lullaby Milk Company. Their herd of pedigree Frieshians routinely gave award-winning milk Ireland throughout the 20th century. However as competition from larger milk companies grew, the Lullaby Milk Company was forced to find alternative profit sources. In
Capicola, Capocollo, Coppa, Ham-Capocollo: How can you cope?
By Joseph Colosi The names of Italian cured meats are notoriously unstable when it comes to their pronunciation. When there are so many different varieties of meats due to regional styles, it’s easy to see where “gabagoo” came from. At Di Bruno Brothers, we have heard nearly every possible form of these words, from super-sausage
Boulangerie & Pâtisserie
by Katie Smith Last week I was called downstairs to sample some new bakery items that we are starting to sell. As I lingered over a pain au raisin, I was brought back to my days in Paris when I worked as a stagiaire at The Ritz Escoffier Ecole de Gastronomie. During my internship, each
Duck Hunt
by Vince Iannone Of the variety of delicacies found in the DiBruno Brothers Center Island, duck prosciutto is usually regarded as the most interesting. People are often curious as to how this food is even possible, and even more curious for a sample, which is usually followed by a purchase. The name alone is confusing
The Best Thing from Jerz since Bon Jovi
by Meridyth Orner Often I am let down by American producers who attempt to replicate the classics. Wisconsin Provolone just isn’t the same as the Italian icon. But every once in a while a godsend appears and rescues queso-Philas everywhere from disappointing domestic imitations. Perhaps not the same as, or better than, but a cheese
Cheese for Valpolicella and Montepulciano
by Joseph Colosi One of the small joys in life is purchasing a simple, tasty bottle of wine for under twenty dollars. Valpolicella and Montepulciano can be found cheap and often deliver better than expected flavors. We enjoyed a bottle of each and came up with both obvious and unconventional pairings. Masi 06 Valpolicella Bonacosta: